Souterrain Sounds: multiple artists
The musical and spoken-word wing of Souterrain Press, we invite you to explore Souterrain Sounds over on Bandcamp (link below) - home to a curious mix of new and legacy homespun music and poetry recordings. All available to stream and download for free, with the option of Pay What You Like going directly to the artists as a gesture of your appreciation.
Souterrain Sounds hosts a wealth of musical projects and side-projects; snapshots of time, friendships and fascinations, locations and relocations, as well as brand new releases. A celebration of original songwriting and music-making that often flies under the radar, revived from old disc drives and desk drawers.
Discover Old Man Thompson's ramblings from the archive; cassette recordings from a black lake in East Sussex; instrumentals from a lithographic guitar; harp and spoken-word from Liverpool; acoustic experiences of Skye; a musical friendship formed in the MySpace days; DIY instruments; poems and riddles; and from City Lights Bookshop in San Francisco via Brighton in the early days of webcasting, a unique recording of none other than Lawrence Ferlinghetti.
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